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Writer's pictureJessica Fulkerson

Preparing Your Home to Sell

"What do we need to do to get our house ready to sell?" That's a great question, we thought it would be a great topic to elaborate on.

1. Finish the Projects You've Started

The last thing you want a buyer to see is a partially finished shower or trim missing in the living room. The buyer could be understanding and anticipate they'll be completed prior to closing. But, what about a buyer who sees it as unfinished and not worth the amount it's listed for. A fresh coat of paint and a finished look goes a long way! If you are unable to get the projects completed, we can help you find a handyman to step in and get your To Do list completed.

2. Do a Deep Clean

Sweep & Vacuum the floors. Clean the mirrors and windows. Deep clean the tub/shower! Side Note: BUYERS DO LOOK AT THE TUB! If you have a sink with scuff marks, try using a product to remove those. That'll give the look of a renewed/fresh sink. Bar Keepers Friend & Soft Scrub are great cleaners that both Shonna & I use in our own homes.

3. Replace Burnt Out Light Bulbs

Make sure they're the same color, don't just replace a bulb with one you found lying around. Make sure not to put a warm colored bulb next to a cool colored bulb. If you need advice on this, let us know!

4. Organize and De-clutter

You're going to be moving, why not start packing. We want buyers to come in and be able to envision their stuff in the home, their decorations, their touch.

5. Take Care of the Pets

Lots of us have animals, they're part of our family and spend a lot of time in our home. But, buyers don't want to smell our animals when they come in the house. Make sure the litter box is cleaned out, poop/pee cleaned up, try and vacuum to pick up the hair on the couch and floor. Circling back to the cleaning bullet, if there are spots on the carpet, get the carpet cleaned throughout to remove spots & smells.

Before showings, make sure the animals are in a safe place. Roofus might be the best family dog but he might get a little protective of his family's home when strangers come by. The last thing you want is for Roofus to bite a buyer. See if you can take the pets with you during the showing or maybe to Grandma's house for the day. Or Shonna & I have cars with plenty of room!

6. Don't Overload on Smells

Try not to overpower your house with a candle, essential oil or plugin. The last thing you want is a client to get a headache from the smell as they walk through your home. Try to utilize natural scents, for example, lemon, vanilla, etc. They are familiar to buyers and won't overwhelm them.

7. Get Your Curb Appeal on Point

Depending on the time of the year, make sure your curb appeal is on point. In the summers, make sure your lawn is mowed, weeds pulled & maybe even plant some pretty flowers. If your garden beds look like they need some help, add extra rock or mulch. Stain your fence, deck & railing. Any wood accents that need touched up, throw some stain on them. If you need someone to mow your lawn, find a neighbor kid eager to make some money in the summer.

In the winter, try and keep your walkways shoveled and ice free. Everything is brown and drab during winter, so just try and keep everything as tidy as possible. Cut back your perennial flowers, make sure and rake the leaves/dead grass. Put away your patio cushions, clean the kiddos toys up & make sure you clean up after pets. I once had that written into the contingency removal "seller to remove all dog feces prior to closing".


In general, try and keep the house clean & de-cluttered, especially for showings. #ProTip Get a big tote and before a showing, throw all of your loose stuff (kids toys, laundry, etc) into the tote and store it away or put it in your car. You only have one chance to make a first impression, so make it a good one!

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